Welcome to Mostly Microbes and Infectious Diseases. David Ojcius posts newspaper and journal articles in the broad field of microbiology.
Merck’s experimental pill to treat covid-19 cuts risk of hospitalization and death in half
Pfizer begins study of oral drug for prevention of COVID-19
Desperation, misinformation: how the ivermectin craze spread across the world
A daily pill to treat Covid could be just months away, scientists say
Almost 10,000 people tested negative before flying. Just one was positive after landing: study
SARS-like coronaviruses may jump from animals to people hundreds of thousands of times a year
Did the coronavirus jump from animals to people twice?
Can ‘zero COVID’ countries continue to keep the virus at bay once they reopen?
Israel Is Preparing for Possible Fourth Covid Vaccine Dose
3D culture models to study SARS-CoV-2 infectivity and antiviral candidates
Biden is expected to require the vast majority of federal workers and contractors to get vaccinated
Urban California is taming the COVID surge, but low-vaccination areas still in danger
Breakthrough infections are less likely to lead to long Covid, a study suggests
The Moderna vaccine makes more antibodies than Pfizer's. Does it matter?
Prior exposure to common cold coronaviruses enhances immune response to SARS-CoV-2
Dental Care is Essential Care: The Importance of Getting Back on Track with Your Oral Healthcare
France first big EU nation to start widespread booster jabs
Viewpoint article in the journal "Science": The animal origin of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus
The Covid vaccine is much safer than catching the coronavirus, study in Israel finds
Extra Shots from Johnson and Johnson and Pfizer Covid Vaccines Give Immune Boost, Companies Report